Sunday, March 4, 2012

The Sims Game series-Tell me about it?-Best Answer!?

Over the last few years Ive played MMORPG's only but recently Ive stopped because Ive found them to become boring and am now playing games like Virtual Villagers 4, Dungeon Siege, and such...I was wondering about The Sims game, 10 points to who ever can tell me about it:

1) What type of game is it?(Genre)

2)Whats the gameplay like?( I watched youtube videos on it but I wanna hear actual player's comments on it from experience)

3)Whats the main objective of the game? If none, then what in general can you do?

4)What options do you have in game?(I know you can create families, houses, command people to do somethings but thats about it, very little)

5)How do you win?(if at all possible to win)

6)Whats the latest version of the series to have come out up to date?

7)Is it worth it in your opinion? Wether you like the game or hate it, I just wanna hear your opinions.

8)Does it have any online way to connect with others?

I have a somewhat idea about this game, Ive seen my friend play it but I wanna know this information before I start playing it.The Sims Game series-Tell me about it?-Best Answer!?

2. It is fun doing stuff you already do at home. (Sometimes, its boring, but you can do a lot of stuff you can't do because it was too expensive, risky, etc.)

3.There isn't a real objective, but you can make a relationship, have fun, make friends, and do stuff that doesn't feel like you can do at home in real life

4.Other than the stuff you said, you can make your dream house, dream furnishings, have a great paying job, and take care of yourself

5. Not posssible, however you can fill up the wants meter to satisfy your sim to be happy, or satisfy you

6. Sims 3 and its expansions (pc)

7. I love it, it is worth living differently than what the real world offers.

8.I'm not sure entirely.... find out now by buying it

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