Wednesday, March 7, 2012

My wife had a one night stand with someone else. Now what?

I'm deployed to Iraq right now, and my wife told me she had a one night stand with some other guy. A few weeks later she said she found out she was pregnant. She wants to get it aborted to stay with me. I love her very much, but I dont think I could ever look at her the same again. I'm going on leave in a few weeks, I need to know what to do?My wife had a one night stand with someone else. Now what?others can't tell u what to do here, but it will be difficult to see her the way u use to, the sense of oneness u shared with her is over with. it will never feel the same as it use to. just go back home and see how u feel, see how remorseful she is. but she should have been on birth control if she was going to do this, now it becomes more serious. personally i would not be able to forget this, or take her back because now u can't trust her anymore, and u will forever wonder if she will do it again.My wife had a one night stand with someone else. Now what?
That a very complex situation, but it ultimately is a choice you would have to decide. Follow your heart and be wise in doing so.

good luckMy wife had a one night stand with someone else. Now what?it easy out of side out of mind you get over a women to that and ask to come back is not worth the bother
Consider all of your options, and take time to decide. This is a big decision to be making! The folowing series of articles (online) are designed to help in this exact situation:

When a Mate is Unfaithful :

- Infidelity--Its Tragic Consequences

- Is Reconciliation Possible?

- The Option of Divorce

- Meaningful Support

- Why Some Stay Together

- Who Is Responsible?

- Does God Hate All Divorce?鈥?/a>My wife had a one night stand with someone else. Now what?Only you know what is right, it's a tough call. Me, if I was out of the country and I'm defending my country and I'm doing all the right things, and then to be disrespected while I was gone, that would hurt beyond death of a loved one. I couldn't forgive, maybe I'm not a good person, but it would hurt too much.My wife had a one night stand with someone else. Now what?
How's your wife's sense of humor? hope that she's joking.
its really up to you. she cheated on you. and she didnt use protection. i am questioning her love for you.

good luck.My wife had a one night stand with someone else. Now what?
no you're not going to see her the same way , not now not EVER! just think about how it will be in 5 or 10 years from now. its gonna suck trust me
I know you are pissed off but you must ask yourself are you better off with or without her, and if you still love her. Try not to overreact and calmly talk to her. You are better off than I . My wife set me up to get into an argument with her and get arrested so she could have me kicked out of my own home then she moved her lover in and had his child but i still love her and believe that both of us and our children would be better off if we got back together. ASK GOD FOR WISDOM AND STRENGTH I'll say a prayer for you my brother.
Sounds to me like you need to start getting the divorce papers ready for when you come home!
So sorry for this extra pain for you to go through. You deserve all the support you can get from home. But people are fallible and weak. I would say number one tell your wife not to get the abortion. That is a little child in the making, and it isn't his or her fault about what adults do. Let him have a chance at life. He and you are innocent here. The second thing is to deal with the infidelity and your feelings. You need some time to decide whether this is a deal breaker for you. And unless your wife gets some serious help, she is going to continue to seek support at home in all the wrong ways. Don't make any quick decisions, but have a serious talk with her and let her know it is not ok what she has done and that you have been very hurt. Do they have counselors where you are? This will take a lot of talking and considering before you make any moves. Nothing stays the same anyway in marriage, there are great and terrible times. Give yourself some time to consider.
I am sure this is very tough decision for you. Just always keep in mind that she is your wife and you love her. You probably building a family. Just think of this situation as strom in your marriage, a test that you guys will pass. This will probably makes ur marriage stronger, just talk to her. I know there is no excuse for her to have a one night stand. I think if she did not get pregnant I dont think you will be able to know that she is sleeping with another man and get away with it so there is a tendecy she will do it again. Everthing happens for a reason, if you really love her and cant live with out her, you will forgive her.
You have to realize that you have been away for awhile, she was lonesome, and made a mistake, she could have just aborted the baby and never said a word to you, but you have an honest woman who loves you, forgive her this time, and tell her if it ever happens again, you will be done with her, as for the baby, I think she should have it and give it up for adoption, that would be the humane thing to do.
wow this is tough...

she reali reali loves you, she TOLD you about it!!

yes usuali its not forgiveable.... but if she told you and reali remorseful... true love is forgivable. she aint sum coward who didnt tell you and is trying to cover up.

she must reali love you to tell you that.

women can be fickle. outa sight outa mind. up and down following thier emotions.. you where away for sooo long.... that doesnt mean she doesnt love you.

you being in iraq... she proli worried sooo much about you, proli watched telly every day. when shes in a worried anxious state like that, and without her man.... she could do something regretful... we all have that capacity.

Oh and she musta reali reali not been in a good state when she made her mistake... i mean NO PROTECTION. if shes in such a state she forgets THAT... she musta been reali reali sappy or sumthing

i say forgive her.
As a LOYAL and proud American, I would like to thank you for your service to our country! Your sacrifice and dedication is what keeps our great country strong. That being said.....I'm not here to JUDGE anyone. However, you chose to defend our country (not an easy decision) and we are proud of you. Throughout life we are forced to make difficult decisions. Humans are not perfect, we sometimes make the wrong choice. A one night stand is not a mistake, it is a choice. The fact that you chose to defend our country shows me that you really LOVE your country. A country,although not perfect, but still worth defending. You were willing to to sacrifice your friends, family and your own life for your love of America is fantastic. However, your wife, whom you "love" could not show you the respect of staying faithful? Now she wants to kill the unborn child of her mistake? Damn, she might be the most selfish person alive. Again, with all respect, how can you love someone who can't love herself. My advice is RUN, RUN. RUN. Love is a two way stream, and she obviously does not love you or herself.

Good Luck and GOD Bless
What she did was totally wrong. If she is pregnant with this other guys baby don't force her to make decisions such as abortion.

If that is her decision, you guys should still talk about it. But if she feels obligated to do that she may hold you responsible later and have negative feelings towards you about it down the road. You never know how something so traumatic will effect someone.

The ultimate decision is up to you. but you can't help wondering if she will do it again I am sure. Just be careful because sometimes, when it is let go and another chance is given they may do it again. There is going to be lots of trust issues now, if you get deployed again.

credit to her though for coming clean and telling you, but it still was very wrong.
Don't make a decision now, just focus on coming home. You will have time to make the decision to stay together or seperate. If you love her, you should take advantage of the counseling services offered to you and speak to someone, independently and as a couple. Also, while it is not an excuse at all, try to consider that your wife was probably scared for you every day of your deployment and was weak at a moment where she needed to summon strength. People make mistakes. You are absolutley allowed to be angry and hurt, but remmeber why you love her and go from there. Good luck to you, and thank you ever so much for what you are doing over there.
Hello very sorry this has happened to you, your question is is very heart felt.I love her very much is what you said, and the foundation to being able to fix and build on.No you will not be able at first to look and trust her as before, because you are hurt but it has happened as long as this old world has been here and I would like to believe that couples have been able in time to forgive. That is the word to fixing it and when someone hurts us that's hard to do,once home you have to talk you know what she did but you still have to listen. You have a lot on your plate to digest don't try to force forgiveness let it come if you decide to try and make it work you need to seek counseling for the both of you.As for the abortion I guess its what your beliefs are if you forgive her and keep the child will you ever be able to look at it with love? It can be done Please don't walk away from this without really giving it everything you have to make it work good luck to you.
leave her , one she cheated where is teh respect for you...2 she did it with out protection and fell pregnant....hellllllllo!...leave her now!
i am so sorry for you but would not take side of your wife . She told you that because she is preganant may be this is not the one night stand,sorry to say she might have cheated you more than one night to get preganant.and if she wasnt preganant she would never have told you.its is better to say her goodbye than to stay with her and be unhappy forever.i would also like you be honest enough,whether you stayed completely loyal to her living far away and never slept with anyone, if not then you should give her a chance too.
its up to you! but if she really love you that much she wouldn't have the one night stand!
If you truly love your wife then stay with her. After all she said it was just a one night stand. Confront her about why she had a one night stand with someone else and try and fix the problem.An think about it she is willing to have an abortion just to be with you.

But hay it's all up to you to make the decision of either stay with her or leave her.
she's missing you so much but its not right to give herself to other guy. thats stupid!

the decision is in your hands. if you really love her you can stick with your relationship, but your trust and respect to your wife wouldn't be the same, unlike before. Weigh your feelings, if you will be happier if you leave your wife then go on. you are in a good track. God bless!
Dishonorably discharge her cheatin a ss.

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