Saturday, March 10, 2012

A One Night Stand Turning Into A Relationship?

Has anyone experienced a one night stand turning into a relationship? I met someone online who said,"I love you" by accident and I am now seeing that person. Is that humanly or ever possible? How do you feel?A One Night Stand Turning Into A Relationship?In an attempt to find a relationship, I have had many hookups thinking that if I established a physical connection with the person first, they would want to have an intellectual relationship with me. It never ever worked out and it never will...the person never ends up calling you for a date or whatever. You need to have a mental connection there first and THEN connect on a physical level later on...otherwise your hookups are going to be just that--booty calls and one night stands. This is just me from personal experience and friends opinions.A One Night Stand Turning Into A Relationship?
lol thats so weird but cool.

i love you too?

are you interested now? ;) xxxxA One Night Stand Turning Into A Relationship?Hearing "I love you" from someone doesn't constitute as a one-night stand.A One Night Stand Turning Into A Relationship?
YesA One Night Stand Turning Into A Relationship?wowA One Night Stand Turning Into A Relationship?
Then it's not a one night stand. They are just as the name implies, for one night.

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