Saturday, March 10, 2012

I think iam gay had a one night stand with my best friend from high school?

ok i had a one night stand with my best friend from high school we have known each other since we were in diapers. hes gay i wasn't till 2 days ago. i don't know what to tell my GF i love him to death he has a great body skinny and a great a** i just fell in love with him being really tan makes me want him more now i don't know what got me to do this we just did it one night and he calls me every night wanting to know when we can do it agin iam just lost plz help i really love him i want us to be together forever how do i tell my friends family and my GF help plz no bad comments plz thanks. hes 19 and iam 21 thanks plz helpI think iam gay had a one night stand with my best friend from high school?First off, why bad comments?

I think that is great that you finaly think you have found the one you want to be with forever.

Second off, your girl friend needs to understand that you are doing what you feel is right.

You have found yourself.

I would just start out telling her that you still love her, but not like that.

Just tell her, I'm really sorry, but I have found myself, this is something that I need to do.

As for your friends, if they are your friends they should still accept you.

Some of them might not be "supporters" of it, but they should still stay your friend.

Your parents, you will have to understand that it is going to be a huge shock to them, specialy since you have a girlfriend, that would be the least that they would expect.

I would just let them know you need to talk to them.

Casualy bring it up to them.I think iam gay had a one night stand with my best friend from high school?
You think you're gay?? I had a bf who turned out to be gay. Just tell her that you were never sure that you did really like her/love her. But in no way mention that maybe you were thinking of a guy while you were with her like my ex did. Just try and make her understand that you do respect her and love her just not in that way. Thay you were just confused. just leave out all the tan and nice a**part and you'll be fine. As for her family I don't think you owe them an explanation.I think iam gay had a one night stand with my best friend from high school?You're going to have to choose one of themI think iam gay had a one night stand with my best friend from high school?
don't tell them at christmas dinner! not the right place. tell them when you are ready. as for the g/f just break up with her she does'nt need to know unless you want her to know in which case sit down and talk to her. not going to be easy and might be messy but it is the right thing to do!I think iam gay had a one night stand with my best friend from high school?Break up with the girl (its easy to do, so do it, you don't have to give a reason, so don't). Date the guy for a while, see what its like, you need to know if thats what you want in life....if after a few months (not years, but months) if you still 'love him, thinks he's got a great body and tan' and other...then only then do you need to tell others....

For now, just focus on breaking up with the girl and being with the guy...the rest will come later

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