Wednesday, March 7, 2012

I had a one night stand a while ago and just found out that girl is pregnant!! What do I tell my girlfriend!?

I just found out that this girl I had a one-night-stand kind of thing with a little over a month ago is now pregnant! I was a jerk and tried telling her to an abortion (okay fine I was trying really hard to convince her to), but come on, can't blame me right? Turns out she's pretty religious (what a hypocrit though, its okay to have premarital sex but abortion is wrong?) so she's way against that, but she is considering adopting the baby. I am fine with her adopting but I have two sisters who got knocked up when they were 18 and I love the kids and I can't imagine telling them I let this girl adopt my child, and I don't know how I would handle the idea that I have a son/daughter somewhere out there. But I am a man and I am ready to give up all of my dreams and do what I have to (be a dad) if she decides to keep it, so please don't lecture me. And believe me, I am going to have to give up a lot for this child.

I am supposed to go in the Air Force and be a combat controller, but I'm pretty sure thats not going to happen now, and it truly frustrating and depressing for me because I have been working so hard preparing for it (constant running and swimming daily for months now etc).

But whatever, I am a man and I know I'll have to make sacrifices. Here's my biggest problem.

I have been seeing a girl for a few months now, and only about a few days or so after that one-night stand, things have gotten really serious between me and this girl. I'm in love with her, and I believe she feels the same way, no bullshit I think this is for real. But I haven't told her about this girl I got pregnant. What should I tell her?!

Oh and I haven't even told anyone else about this yet. As far as I know the girl only told her mother. But me, I'm pretty damn scared about this. After it happened to both of my sisters, nobody would expect me to do something stupid like this.I had a one night stand a while ago and just found out that girl is pregnant!! What do I tell my girlfriend!?For your gf, tell her now.

As for the other girl-

1. Get a paternity test if she decides to keep it.

2. If your heart isn't in it, don't do it. The worst thing you can do to this kid is be in it's life halfassed. And despite what you say, eventually you WILL hurt the kid because you didn't want in it''s life in the first place. You'll resent the kid, blame it for ruining your life, etc etc.

3. If you decide to be a daddy, don't give up on your dreams. Follow through. It's good for you and the baby.I had a one night stand a while ago and just found out that girl is pregnant!! What do I tell my girlfriend!?
you need to tell your gf soon, the longer you wait the worse it will be.I had a one night stand a while ago and just found out that girl is pregnant!! What do I tell my girlfriend!?you answered your own questions in your explanation, but you need to tell your gf now! she may forgive you OR she may not, but you made that bed, so you have to lie in it...its that simple really
tell ur gf the truth!!! nothing worse than a relationship based on lies if its ment to be then she will forgive u if not then u have to let her make that decision. how would u like it if it were the other way around n she was keeping something like that from u!!!!!!!!!!

Good luck in wot ever happens but please b honest with her!!!I had a one night stand a while ago and just found out that girl is pregnant!! What do I tell my girlfriend!?Well first of all, you need to remember that this might not even be your child. If she was willing to have a one night stand with you then who knows what other men she was with. All you can do is wait for the baby to be born and have a DNA test. For now I think you should tell your girlfriend that there is a possibility that the other woman could be pregnant with your child. Let her know that it was a one night stand before you became serious with her. If she really loves you she will support you and understand. Go ahead and join the air force. Many fathers are in the military. You dont have to give up your dreams just because you have a kid. Plus if it turns out to be yours, you'll need the big bucks to pay child support! Good luck.I had a one night stand a while ago and just found out that girl is pregnant!! What do I tell my girlfriend!?
tell your gf because u having a baby will affect her as well as you if its really that serious... and if it was before you got with your gf its not like u cheated to don't be scared to tell her... if she loves you she will stand by you and if not is that really someone you want to spend the rest of your life with?
tell your gf....tell the girl with the baby that you want the child if she is going to give it up to be have a right to your child....and if you do get the kid you still can go to the military you should wait tell the LO is at least dont want to miss all the milstones....also make sure you have great support when you leave....have your parents take care of the child when you are at bt and mos....not a gf cuz who knows whats going to happen and if your relationship is going to last while your gone....

but good luck....hope your gf understandsI had a one night stand a while ago and just found out that girl is pregnant!! What do I tell my girlfriend!?
good for you for wanting to give up your dreams and everything for the child thats means alot to a woman trust me. but i was adopted and personally i think you should give it up for adoption. abortion is never a good thing. would you rather have the guilt of killing your baby? or having your baby out there living a better life than you could have givin it? and if your truley in love with your real girlfriend you need to tell her the situation your in. the best thing you can do is be honest. it will show you really care
you need to tell your gf the sooner the better, if she ends up finding out from somebody else she will leave you because you didnt tell her
Wow. Tough situation, huh?

My best advice is to just straight out tell your girlfriend. Imagine if she found out on her own, and not from you. You did 'something stupid' and you need to live up to it, no matter how much you have to go through because of it. Your girlfriend deserves to know.
Logically you should sit down with your gf tell her how much you love her and that you are happy that your relationship has reached a new level. Tell her that before you two really got serious you had an irresponsible fling with a girl who now claims you are the father of her baby. Then let that run its cycle. Of course she will be mad and hurt and she has every right to just give her time to think it over, go through the motions and come up with a decision that is best for her. As for your child you don't have to give up your dreams. You don't want to teach your child to quit. If your baby mama is thinking of giving up the baby were you just going to keep the baby with you full time? Did you even mention this idea to her? Definitly get a paternity test to be sure. I wish you the best of luck and really sounds as though you are sincere in what you wish to do for your child and your gf. Just know everything happens for a reason and sometimes those reasons are really hard to see in the moment but just take a deep breath and talk to your gf. I wish you the best of luck!!! It's nice to see a man owning up to his responsibilities! Your momma taught you right!!!
Honestly i don't understand how you can "love" someone and cheat on them in the same instance. But not only did you cheat on her, you weren't even careful enough to make sure you didn't father a child with another woman. C'mon now, how is that fair to either woman?

Tell her the truth and do it soon or you'll only make it worse. Don't try to sugar coat it or make it seem like it was some huge accident. You knew your action could result in a child. Telling her your sorry isn't going to make it better. You messed up big time and this is something that will effect you for the rest of your life and her if she forgives you. But i hope she leaves you and never speaks to you. And I hope the other girl keeps the baby and files for the maximum child support. Take responsibility for your actions!

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