Wednesday, March 7, 2012

One night stands, what do you think about them?

I just read this guys question about him only wanting one night stands with the ladies and never marriage(I would have to agree) and people got upset and thought it was wrong? I dont get what is up peoples asses these days. I think one night stands are fine and personally I do it too. I mean if you want to wait for that special person good for you im not saying anything is wrong with it, but some of us dont want a special person to marry and have kids. For me I just like to have sex and dont feel that emotional stuff, so one night stands are perfect no feelings, no nagging, no money spent, nothing relationship wise. Ya I know all about stds and pregnancy. But hey you gotta take risks in life or its boring. I mean I could sit inside all day instead of going jet skiing, climbing,boxing,etc but that is no fun. Everything has risk, I could die on a jet ski or boxing, but I love it not going to stop cuz I could die, so why would I stop sex cuz there is a risk. So what I want to know is what is your problem with One night stands, just accept it???One night stands, what do you think about them?Well I would never want to lose my virginity to a one night stand, but otherwise, they're okay every once in a while just for fun. But unlike you, I'd like to fall in love and get married one day.

I just think your ideas about sex are very immature. Hookups are fun when you're young and crazy but once you're in your 50s and than on and don't have either a sex drive or someone to do it with, you're going to wish you had somebody to love.

um the only way an 18 year old will sleep with you (creepy enough) is if your hugh hefner or like really ******* rich

so dont get ur hopes upOne night stands, what do you think about them?
one night stands are trashyyyyyyy. just saying...One night stands, what do you think about them?I have had quite a few. They are the sexual equivalent of junk food, briefly satisfying but not good in the long run.One night stands, what do you think about them?
One night stands are emotionless and desensitizing, and empty. There is nothing more satisfying than being with the one you love and who you know loves you. You're better off masturbating than having one night stands. Your hand can't give you HIV, Crabs, Gonorrhea, Syphillis, Trichanomas, Warts, or Herpes. And you can't make unwanted wrist babies.

You forget, dude, you're going to age, too. You aren't going to stay young forever. 18 year olds girls don't usually dig old wrinkly saggy nuts any more than young guys dig women with more experience with life.One night stands, what do you think about them?what is a one night stand? and what is sex drive? or sex for that matter?

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