Wednesday, February 29, 2012

On Virtual Villagers, when does the "special Person" come to?

Like, when is it born? I have been playing for over 5,000 hours and still no special person!! It is really starting to annoy the crap out of me! Will anyone please help me and tell me what they've done or anything that you think would help me?On Virtual Villagers, when does the "special Person" come to?
"Puzzle 13 (of Virtual Villagers: A New Home) is the birth of the "special person" and requires the completion of the idol, the lagoon, and Level 3 in Fertility. You will need to take a nursing mom to the lagoon" and drop her in it. Try it a few times. Eventually, it will say something like "The special person has been born!"On Virtual Villagers, when does the "special Person" come to?
Glitch. :(On Virtual Villagers, when does the "special Person" come to?
You have to drop a pregnant woman in the lagoon and then the special person will be born.

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