Saturday, February 25, 2012

How can I earn more tech points (in the virtual villagers : a new home) fast w/o buying from the technologies?

[Question for Virtual Villagers]

I bought the second level in science because it said my tech can increase faster but when I bought it after 5 minutes later I realize that my tech only increased 1 point and if I want it to reach 80,000 to 150,000 tech points I had to spend a quadriple million kazillion 5 minutes!! Is there any other ways of increasing my tech points faster?

P.S. (or is it a P.S.?) I had to reach 80,000 to 150,000 because if I don't I'll never finish the puzzles (the messages I receive [the thing you saw when you check in back... it doesn't show up all the time] doesn't work!)How can I earn more tech points (in the virtual villagers : a new home) fast w/o buying from the technologies?
By buying science tech your points will increase faster.... though it's not heaps faster...... the only other way to get tech points faster is to have more people researching at the table....... increase your population and have most of them researching....... also master scientist gain points alittle faster as well................

not sure what you mean in your P.S. Sorry

hope this helps.......

feel free to email me if you have any other questions

Em xxx

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